to work
- Asset management
- Service Contracts
- Ticketing
- IT & Telecom
- Exact Online
- Incomplete & manual registration
- Changing organization
- Expansion to Belgium and acquisitions
- Integration with Exact Online Trade
- Automated Emails
- Ticketing
- Less inventory
- Managing based on figures
- More efficient work practices
Since 1983, Xafax (60 employees) has played a prominent role in the Dutch market for registration and payment systems. Today, Xafax Group has evolved into an authentic family business, headquartered in Alkmaar. With 40 years of experience, they assist organizations with payment solutions and ICT challenges. They operate through four divisions: Xafax Netherlands and Belgium, Xafax ICT, Xafax Visuals, and Xafax CREO.
Previous Challenge
Xafax is increasingly handling the repair and management of payment terminals remotely. This also applies to its software platform for payments and loyalty programs. The hosting environment is continuously monitored. “In the event of a disruption, an alarm goes off immediately, and we take action,” says Bart Vet, Operations Manager at Xafax. “All systems can be accessed remotely, allowing for quick technical support. This way, the customer experiences minimal inconvenience.”
However, the technical field service is nothing from the past. Payment systems still need to be installed, and physical maintenance or repairs are required in case of incidents.
Xafax previously worked with a custom solution on which a field service app was built. Outdated software, a lack of personalization, and limited automation options made it necessary to search for a new solution. Xafax was already using Exact Online, so the search for a compatible solution began there.
Looking for a field service solution to digitize.
After an intensive search for a Field Service Solution, Bart Vet found FieldBuddy. This is online field service software for planning, contract, asset, service management, and reporting. The software has a “proven, well-functioning” integration with Exact Online, which Xafax had already adopted for inventory management and financial administration. Smaller and non-scalable solutions were quickly ruled out by Bart.
We wanted extensive customization and automation options, which is why we chose FieldBuddy.

Operational manager at Xafax
The implementation
After years of working with the combination of ‘FieldBuddy and Exact Online,’ the benefits are clearly evident. “The flow of information to our 1,700 customers has significantly improved. Thanks to FieldBuddy, we now keep them accurately informed via automated emails about the status of their devices, contracts, maintenance, and the time a technician will visit. Technicians can easily record their work, material usage, and travel time using a tablet.
In fact, all departments use FieldBuddy—the planning department, support team, work preparers, and the logistics team. Even company vehicles are booked through FieldBuddy.
Customers can quickly reach Xafax by phone or email for incidents. Service requests sent by email are instantly converted into a work order and handled by a technician. When contacting by phone, the planner has all the information at hand and can therefore assist the customer efficiently.
FieldBuddy has eliminated errors caused by manual or incomplete registrations. Used materials are automatically recorded in Exact Online. The system’s order recommendations mean much less inventory is needed. “We receive a notification when a product needs to be reordered. That’s really great.”
“It all works much more efficiently,” Bart says. “When a customer emails us, the email is recognized as a contact and automatically linked to the customer.” Since a work order is instantly created, all that remains is assigning a technician. This marks the next step in automation for Xafax.
Another point Bart highlights is data collection: “We have all the data. We can create reports on incidents and immediately check if the customer is correct.” Xafax can also search more precisely within the service history of customers and assets. This allows Xafax to report on issues more efficiently and advise customers, such as recommending the purchase of new payment terminals.
With FieldBuddy and Exact Online, we now have a system that perfectly supports our organization.

Operational manager at Xafax
The benefits of FieldBuddy
One of the biggest advantages of Exact Online combined with FieldBuddy. Bart believes that it is now possible to manage directly based on figures, this wasn’t possible with the previous system. “As a result, we can make efficiency improvements. For example, we can monitor the technicians’ work and have up-to-date insights into inventory levels. Based on this, Xafax has enough visibility to make adjustments. We expect to save a lot on costs because of this.”
And, of course, cost savings, Bart points out. By working faster and more efficiently, you simply need fewer employees to do the same work.
Internet of things
Hans Nieuwenhuis, director of FieldBuddy, notes that more and more customers, like Xafax, are centralizing the management of their products and related services. “We are developing Internet of things functionality for automated information exchange between devices and the software. While the work order remains central in FieldBuddy, the distinction between field service and internal service will soon disappear.”